

Top 5 places worth to see in Poland, but you could not know about them

Top 5 places worth to see in Poland, but you could not know about them

Top 5 places worth to see in Poland, but you could not know about them

Poland is a country, which is perfect for all travelers, who love to search for many architecture wonders, eat some regional food or just have a rest in quiet and calm. Many tourists can know such places like Warsaw or Cracow. In this article, we’ll show some Polish attractions, that can be less known, but they’re really worth to see!

1. Zalipie

Zalipie is a small village in Małopolska. This place has some unique buildings. Because of local tradition – many houses there are painted with citizen’s own hands. The popular theme of paintings are flowers. These colorful buildings could enchance many travelers. Just look at it – it’s so beautiful!


2. Mazury lakes

Mazury is an area in Poland, where are many lakes. It’s a perfect place for sailing, but also there are also some sandy areas, where you can sunbath or play beach volleyball. The most well-known places in Mazury are Mikołajki, Giżycko and Ostróda.


3. Bieszczady mountains

Many of you could hear about Tatra mountains and the city called Zakopane. If you’re looking for less crowdy place with magnificent views – Bieszczady will be a perfect idea! These mountains are not as steep as Tatra mountains, co this could be a chance for hiking beginners. You can also book there a high-standard hotel, for example in Arłamów. Adventure and leisure in one.


4. Siklawa waterfall

But if you really want to see Tatra mountains, there is a one magnificent place, which could make your Polish experience more unforgettable. Siklawa is the biggest waterfall in Poland. During your hiking, you can take there some beautiful pictures. It’s real worth to see if you visit Tatra mountains!


5. Gajówka lake

Azure coast in Poland – is it even possible? Yes, it is! Osadnik Gajówka (or just Gajówka lake) is a place located near Przykona village in Greater Poland. Previously, there was an excavation from local coal mine. But this place was covered in water. Because of calcium carbonate – this lake has a beautiful colour, compared to coast of Mediterranean Sea. Remember to not swim there!

Do you know other places in Poland, which are really worth to see? Write us about this, we’d like to read about unknown attractions.

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